Wednesday, May 6, 2020

International Business Morality Essay - 1133 Words

International Business Morality Societys general conception of the fundamental marketplace has dramatically changed within recent years. Throughout most of history, commerce has existed primarily (and, at times, solely) in the domestic realm, only on rare occasions interacting on an international level. However, with major technological advances occurring within the past century (and even more so, during the past decade) concerning both transportation (air travel, better seafaring and larger ships) and communication (telephones, the Internet), almost all business conducted by a mediocre to major firm operating from within a semi-industrialized to industrialized nation can be (and most often is) considered multinational. With the†¦show more content†¦Despite criticism from other nations, our multinational business policies should reflect what we hold true in our affairs at home. Two maxims of American ideology rebuke the opinion of When in Rome, do as the Romans do. First, no one, including businesses, should morally be permitted to freeload (simply put, freeloading is the practice of accepting advantages offered by a certain situation while not accepting its disadvantages) (EDB 531). When placed in a situation where freeloading is a viable option, many businesses are eager to take advantage of it due to its profitability (most often this is in the case of bribery). There is something essentially wrong with this practice in our society, however. Most modern societies function on a system of benefits and burdens. Each member of society is expected to accept both the benefits and the burdens adherent to their situation and actions. For example, when you steal money you are attempting to acquire a benefit without the adjunct burden (earning it). When such a person is caught doing such, they are almost certainly prosecuted and made to accept the burden (usually in the form of jail time or fines). When a business receives a bribe or a kickback, they are essentially accepting a b enefit of the laws against those practices while not suffering the burdens associated with those laws (EDB 531). The second idea which American morality supposes is that of inalienable human rights. Presently, it can beShow MoreRelatedInternational Business: Norms of Morality and Local Cultures1754 Words   |  8 Pages1. INTRODUCTION International Business is a business where all the activities pass through the other country’s borderline. This definition includes international trade and manufacturing abroad, industry’s service in a field like transportation, tourism, banking, advertisement, construction, retail trade, big trade and mass communication. There are two reasons to running the International Business, first is specialization between nations. 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